March 31, 2006

A little Bit of nothing...

I have no time to post, so this is not going very long, in fact I'll probably update this post tomorrow!! what a brilliant idea! well, I'll tell you about all my great adventures and other fantastic events of today tomorrow! (that was confusing!) But until then I will leave you all in such suspense you have never felt before in your life! ok, enough that...well, I think I will get on to other business. Have you seen the borne identity, what did you think of it??
I just saw and and here is what I thought of Borne Identity...
The plot had a more or less confusing development, revealing the beginning of Borne's life at the end of the movie. The storyline doesn't quite follow a solid line, so if you find yourself wondering why something is happened, you probably missed the jump...if that's too confusing then i'll just say you have to keep you eyes and ears open...however, if you concentrate on the facts you can follow it. But it takes some brain if you want to relax and watch a movie, this isn't the one, unless you enjoy being confused! But once i got the plot figured out the movie was enjoyable. The action, and violence doesn't overpower the story and neither does the special effects. And of course the sequel follows the same idea, however the plot is considerable easier to follow....almost...But, those are just my opinions...anyone else?


Hannah said...

I've seen both of the ones that are out. I liked the first one, the second was kind of a let down because I guess I was expecting more story and it seemed to me like an action movie for the sake of being an action movie=P Maybe I need to watch them again or something...

Graham said...

After a week in Socotra, I am back. There is an eternal post about it on my blog. More of a school project than anything else, but I thought that it might intrest the bypasser... Clever idea: posting nothing and then updating...

Graham said...

when are you people going to do anything with the edomite site? it has been down for more than two weeks!

Nathan said...

Graham - we're getting there. A few steps left...

Charity said...

is that the first one or second one? IT's the first one...I think. well, I was REALLY confused. See, I watched the second one before the first one. Then when I watched the first one, I thought it'd all make sense. It didn't. I was more confused after than before. hehe.

bethoven said...

If you have no time to post I have no time to comment.

Anonymous said...

this is why MOAB hates blogs