March 28, 2006

6 days...

Ok, I couldn't post yesterday because of some tech issues, so this post is a really good post to comment on!!

Well, I joined the RP forum. There are a lot of interesting threads there. One of the most intersting ones is about the age of the earth. I believe in a young earth. I think that along with the bible, observational science over and over again proves a young earth. To me, deciding whether the earth is young or old is not major decision. It seems pretty obvious to me. One of the biggest arguments is about the 6 days of creation. I think it's definitely 6, 24 hour days and then of course the same for the last one. If you think about it, nobody really started to question the time of creation until evolution rolled around with there millions of years story. So some compromising Christians decided that because "science" proves that it took millions of years then we can sort of try to put millions of years into the bible. If you think about it, the only place you can really put a millions years in the bible is before man was created, because then the genealogies would be all messed up. So they came up with the day-age theory and the gap theory and all these ideas, questioning a belief that for a long time has not ever been disputed. And now, it is leading a lot of people to question the 7 days in genesis. What are your guys' thoughts on this issue? There is a lot of interesting debate about it. It's fun to see other ideas and view points as well, so comment with your point of view.

I have a long day ahead of me, so I am going to start working, have a great day...


Benjamin Crum said...

This is a great post to comment on: Many times we approach this subject and say "I believe in a young earth" and then claim that any other view is irrational. The truth is that, without the Word of God and with all available techniques (carbon/nuclear dating etc) the earth does appear older, much older. You must understand that people who believe in evolution are not stupid, they have simply begun in the wrong place. They seek "the truth" in the world around them, but what is the beginning of knowledge? God says that the fear of Him is the beginning of knowledge (I always thought that it said wisdom, but check out Proverbs 1). Science, you will find, often "proves" what we want it to prove. God's truth, however, is unchanging and will always be true.

bethoven said...

I agree with you, Andrew, so sorry no debate here. (Hmmm, for some reason I can't picture Andrew wanting to debate...j/k!) ;)

Anonymous said...

So what do you think about the argument that the word for "day" in the original language could simply mean "period of time" (thus the long-day theory)? 7-periods of time is a lot "easier" for people to justify with scientific findings.

Anonymous said...

the hebrew word for day ( I don't recall exactly what it is at the moment) is used in the same way through out the entire old testament, in all those different times it always meant the same thing, a real 24 hour day. we need to interpret scripture for it's litteral meaning with out any outside influence. if you were just to pick up and read Genesis would you get ideas of millions of years? why is it that only in the Genesis acount is the word day questioned? because that's the only place avolutionists can put the millions of years in the Bible. think of it this way; your gonna make a cake, the recipe calls for 2 cups of chocolate chips, 1 tsp salt, 2 eggs and etc. are you gonna turn around and say, "oh, they must mean 1 tbsp of gasmine instead of 2 cups chocolate chips, they mean 15 pounds of vanilla instead of salt and etc. would you interpret the recipe that way? no. Genesis is the resipe of how God made the earth, why would he mean something different than what he says? even if a day was a million year, how did we get all the fossils? on day 6 God said everything was good, do you think that they could have had 6 million years of death, disease and bloodshed before that? I don't think so! Ken Ham has logical and biblical answers for evolutionists questions and has really helped me deffend what I think.

Anonymous said...

If you need an update on Nathaniel Pockras's health, please email his uncle Charles Please pray for Nathaniel!

Nathan said...

You know I agree with you...

Andrew said...

Ben - yeah, i know what you mean. we all have the same facts, but your worldview dictates your interpretation of the facts...

Beethoven...yes, andrew, debate??

Jack - yeah, i have thought of that, but i beleive along with what christina says, there are other ways to interpret day, but nowhere else is day interpreted as anything other then 24 hours. Imagine joshua marching for a 1000 years around jericho, or jonah in the whale for 3000 year or so. Nobody disputes those references, so why genesis?

Christina...totally agree

charles - i'll be prayin for nathaniel, thanx for the info

nathan, yeah the thread on the forum is getting interesting...

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Nathaniel? is he okay?

This is fun. Sorry I take up too much space, it's just when I get started on somethin' I have trouble stopping.

also, lots of people say that the geneologies to Christ and the kings of old europe and so on can't be trusted and complete. this is also an attempt to get millions of years into the bible. If the geneologies weren't completed, what would be the point of writing them in the first place?

Anonymous said...

okay, so I looked this up. the old testiment word for day (used in the Genesis account) is Yom (a plural word) - however, the construction "day and night" eludes to one solar day. This expression (not the word itself) is used a hundred times in the OT to refer to one earth (solar) day.

Anonymous said...

good research.

Graham said...

Just to stir this up a little, (heh heh) carbon dating is quite acurate, provided you have refrence points. However, carbon levels in the atmosphere have varried as much as 70% so that ruins it for farther than the last three or four thousand years, refering to the rings in trees multiple melinia old. Same thing goes for U238 dating: scientists guess how much U there was and then calculate age based on pressent Pb levels, and they assume that they started with no Pb. Another one is based on the saline levels in the ocean. If you assume that the oceans had no salts in them and that they acquired all the salts in them from rivers ect. running into them, you can date the earth back to multiple trillions of years: some of the oldest estimates out there. However, if you assume that God created fresh and salt water fish, you have to assume that the earth is quite a bit younger.

A computer programmer once wrote a computer program to calculate how long it would take one million monkeys to generate "To be, or not to be. That is the question.", and the result was several million years.

If the big bang really happened, we must ask, what caused the change in the energy that spawned the generation of matter, because time didn't just start: there had to be something that changed in the physiology of the energy to spawn matter and the explosion, because there is no reason for energy to stay there in one place like that acording to the laws of thermodynamics that all physisists and chemists believe, regardless of religion (or lack there of).

Concerning yom. In arabic, it is pronounced ayam, and a single day is yome, but they both imply one 24 hour solar day. The only time in the OT that I can think of that had a substantially different "day" was when the sun stood in the sky for Joshua.

There. I have said my bit. Sorry it was so long, it was also probably a bit technical, I am into that sort of stuff, and I don't notice when I use it...