April 24, 2006


This is totally random, but you should watch my Big Fat Greek Wedding.
So long, from your ever watchful,

Ok, if you start seeing posts like this on your blog, you know that either...
  1. Your siblings have figured out your username and password
  2. A computer geek has taken over blogger
  3. MOAB has succeeded at ruining blogger
  4. You've been around Josh Bright too much...
  5. Your team members are going crazy...
  6. Your computer has a strange virus
  7. Or your in a blogging tournament and you really needed another post and you couldn't find out anything else to say

Actually my brother wrote the above statements, so the 1st choice is my case here...sort of. But considering a blogging tournament is in the works, expect anything...i actually enjoyed my big fat greek wedding. Anyone else? well talk to you all later...


David Pulliam said...

Are you okay? lol

Graham said...

dude, this is a great post. It should go down in history! I loved it. It is beautifully creative. I found it hillarious. btw, who is Josh Brite?

Christina said...

I have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding when it first came out on DVD but I haven't seen it since.

Andrew said...

juuust fine david...;)

hah, Graham, Josh is a student at purdue here, and is quite ingenious at coming up with random posts...lol

Charity said...

Haha! That's great! When I first got my blog, I gave David Pulliam my username and password because I wanted him to put comments on my blog (which he did not succeed at :-P). Unfortunately, I didn't change the password right away, so he posted this weird thing on my blog. Also, one time Mary and Hannah Ray somehow got my password and wrote this weird post on my blog about how I loved the passion of the christ movie... yeah it was terrible because I had just been having this debate with David P. about it and had some pretty stong opinions. I should hack into Maria's blog sometime. mwuhahaha *evil laugh* the options of what to post are endless! ;-) But I'd never be so mean... would I??

Anonymous said...

siblings can be uniquely dangerous...lol!

Josh said...

actually Josh Brite is not known to exist. Josh Bright however...;)

Andrew said...

haha, whatever...;)

Christina said...

Adam, never before was a truer sentance posted. *hahahaha*

Anonymous said...

i've seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 times i think! i like it, i think it's funny!

Jason_Sprau said...

you might want to watch what you say about us computer geeks... you never know when we might conquer the world...wide web...lol.

I saw that move... I don't know why, it was a CHICK FLICK!!! worst hour and a half of my life...

Andrew said...

u know jason, u just need to expand you interests...lol!

SaraY said...

So are you suggesting that "Person X" is Josh himself...? That doesn't sound at all unlikely!

Andrew said...

heh, seriously, in fact the above description fits the Josh Bright perfectly...lol!

Anonymous said...

boooo on Jason! Chick flicks are GOOD!!! *but, then again, I'm a chick... lol*

I lurve that movie. We were watching it and my mom randomly goes "Oh my gosh! It's the guy! The guy who plays the guy!" it was funny.