February 19, 2006

I'm IN!!!

My auditions went really well today and I am in the concert!! So I have a crazy two weeks ahead of me, with the Honors recital and the Hoosier auditions. I also have a speech and debate tournament in March as well. So I will be keeping busy enough. I am desperately trying to keep myself from getting swamped in school subjects along with all the other stuff I am trying to do! It gets real complicated real fast!! We are all soo busy. It kinda feels like no one is ever home around here, because my brother, being a college student, is always running around at random times of the day going places I usually have never heard of, and my sister is swimming and taking ballet, and my mom just now got a part time job, and I have basketball, and piano and co-op, and youth group, and actually my brother is going to Germany, Greece, and Cyprus on a spring break trip for Purdue, so really, no one is ever home!! Well, I really need some sleep so I should probably hit the sack early tonight...see ya guys later...


Graham said...

Dude! sounds hectic. Congradulations on getting into the concert! btw, would you send me some of that music, just to make you a little bussier... Just kidding.

Ellie said...

Good Job on the audition! Sorry I haven't e-mailed you, I've been pretty busy!

Charity said...

Woah your brothers going to three countries in ONE week??

Ahhh it was soo sad tonight! We called my brothers at the Saunders hoping that since you had YG tonight, we could talk to some people. But I guess you guys went somewhere else. *sniff* We were originally just going to call you, then we realized that YG was tonight. Oh well...we'll shoot for another night.

Andrew said...

Thanks guys!

yup, my brother is going to 3 countries in a little over a week, so he will be moving around pretty fast! calll me again sometime...heh, hopefully we'll connect...

i sent u the music graham...

i think most of us can relate to the busy part of everything, i'm sure a lot of you have tried to do everything or at least almost everything...like me and have found that it is most impossible to live in such circumstances...

well laura, at least it will be quiet so you can study and stuff like that...well, supposedly...

Katie said...

You're involved in speech? What events do you do?

Andrew said...

Impromptu and Duo
It's fun, i also debate as well, just recently my mom ran a debate and speech tournament here in Lafayette, and we got over 165 kids to compete...it was pretty impressive!!

Hannah said...

I want to go to another tournement!!!! GRRR. I'm not allowed. We're STILL working on trying to get mom to let us but she keeps saying we're already too busy... Which is true, but basketball for us is over now, so we don't really know why she won't let us go ("us" being Rachael and me). =(