February 10, 2006

Back in Action!!

My brace finally came yesterday!! I can actually play basketball like I mean it!! I normally just sort of play around in the scrimmages because my knee couldn't take very much stress. But now, this huge brace which has metal hinges, and all kinds of stuff, keeps my knee very tight. The tightness does pose some problems though. It will take me a while to get used to it. Yesterday in practice, I was running sideways for one of the drills and I tripped and literally went flying, rolling head over heals because of the weird feel of the brace!! It also is throwing all my shooting off because it's so different bending my knees. But at least I can play in the games now! We have a game tonight and a game tomorrow down in Indy playing the wildcats. This time I am going to be playing and Joel is sitting on the bench...what a coincidence...Anyway, I am very happy to be able to finally after almost 5 months of no basketball to be able to actually play in the games! Well, with no running for a couple of months, I am really out of shape!! I guess I'll just have to live with that for a while.

Yesterday the core group for the Westside church plant had another meeting. Everything is running smoothly...for now at least!! It's interesting because we are pretty much brainstorming about EVERYTHING!! Such as, the name of the church, what ministries to have, what schedule to have on Sunday mornings, whether we should have hot drinks, or Starbucks coffee...(that was my dad's suggestion, lol!!) and all kinds of stuff. Also, the families in the group are coming closer together. I am really excited about what is going on, and if nothing else it will be a great time for all of us to grow closer to the Lord and each other through all this planting work.
Well, that's all for now, take care everyone...


Anonymous said...

That's great that you can actually play basketball again. You were really disappointed last October when you couldn't. My mom said "Give it up, Andrew." (lol) Honestly, I'd have to agree with her.
It's great everything is going so well with your church planting. We're having difficlut times with our church. They're the kind of people who don't think about what they're doing, they're just all about tradition and it ticks me off to the fullest extent!!!!!!!!!

Andrew said...

Give it up?!?! No way!! ok, anyway, i hope your church turns itself around...hehe, ttyl

Andrew said...

good point...I'll see what Jared thinks...lol!!

erudil said...

I'd always assumed that you'd name yourselves "West Lafayette RPC" or "RPC of West Lafayette." Ah, well, my ideas aren't normative :-)

Graham said...

its great that you can play basket ball again. That would be the equivalent of me getting a new arm for pingpong i guess... I wear a knee brace as well, but it doesn't have any mettal in it, it is just a minor sort of thing that keeps things in line, especially when I high jump, but I wear it most of the time anyway, 'cause I do a lot of nuts stuff... Good luck with the church planting as well, we're praying for you...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you can play now! It was sad when I was cheering on the sidelines and wasn't able to cheer you on! :-(

Ellie said...

I say yes to Starbucks! :)

Zebbie said...

Hey I changed my song on my blog

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been updating my msn space and I found out that there was this little button I had to click for my space to be viewed publically. Learn something new everyday I guess. check it out,
And PLEASE comment. I've only gotten three comments from two people and so I would really appreciate it.

Andrew said...

heh, i think the Starbucks idea was more of a joke than a real idea...lol!!

btw nathaniel, in the rp circles i'm sure we'll be called westside, or west lafayette rp or something but our actual name could be somthing like, Immanuel rp church or something like that.

way 2 go Jordan!!

christina, i'll check out your space ASAP

Graham said...

hey andrew, just a quick question. Why exactly does it say Duke of Normandy at the bottom of your posts?

erudil said...

Yeah, I know that you can have a name other that a geographical one, such as "Sycamore"; I'd simply assumed that the official name of the church would be West Lafayette.

Nathan said...

I heard the game on Saturday was really exciting...

Andrew said...

Heh, Graham, I saw other people doing other things beside "posted by Andrew" so i decided to try something else, so because i am part Norwegian (my mom's Norweian) and so i am kinda nornadyish cuz the Norwegians founded norway so i though duke of normandy was cool so yeah...hehe

um, nathan, uh, just leave the outcome of that game to you, me joel, the players and the spectators...

Andrew said...

i mean, the norwegians founded normandy...

Anonymous said...

they also founded america but they haven't been given justice for that.

Charity said...

(That's supposed to be what you say when you read this, ok?)

That is so exciting that you can play basketball again! (I thought you couldn't play until your senior year!?) I know how disappointed you were for those months that you couldn't really participate fully in basketball. So yeah, I'm really happy for ya!

*sigh* I don't know exactly why, but I'm kind of sad that you guys are starting a new church. Okay...scratch that - it sounds terrible! What I mean is... I think it's kind of sad that you won't be with the same people as you were before. At least not every Sunday. I find it kind of sad, even though I don't go to the church. So you'll be going to the new one, huh? And I guess so will my brothers and Kathryn. But not Flobie. *sniff* That is a tragedy in itself! I'll be praying for the work there, though.

Pray for our church here!!! Your new church is going to be 2 times (or more) bigger than both the Frankston and McKinnon churches COMBINED! And the whole RP church of AUSTRALIA is only 150-200 people, I think! So yeah, prayers would be excellent (and needed).

I know we still need to call you, Andrew...

Charity said...

Oh yeah and the reason I haven't replied to your email is because gmail is screwing up on here and won't let me get on.

Graham said...

you too?! hotmail isn't working either. The really bad thing is that I get my SAT scores today by e-mail and if they don't work then...

I don't think that the norwegians "founded" america. Sure they may have discovered it, I'll give them that, but the Brittish are usually attributed to colonizing (founding) the States... dunno. don't like history.

Tamara Rose said...

hey i have to go to bed like... NOW but i just wanted to say hey and hope you have a wonderful week!
God bless

Andrew said...

hehe, i am so glad you are able to check out my blog, i am definetly excited about being able to actually PLAY for my team and not watch them!!
It is sad about the church plant and everything, but on the other hand we are being sent out to build a whole new church and even though there are some people i won't see as much there are others i will be able to get to know much better and we are still in the same county as everyone else and we can still visit the other church. Anyway, I will definitely pray for your churches in Australia!
btw, yes! i am waiting for your call......

yeah christina, the vikings got to north america first, but oh well, we'll just have to wait and see...

yeah graham, i meant that...hehe, not really founded but got there first, they founded normandy, actually...

thanks for the comment Tamara!!

Ellie said...

I decided the one reason you get so many comments is that you comment after every comment someone else makes. And you still don't have time to e-mail me... I wonder how that works out?