January 23, 2006

A weekend to remember...

Argh!! I am so tired. After a speech and debate tournament on Friday and Saturday and a trip to Indy on Sunday I wonder how much school is actually going to happen today...For the speech and debate tourney, I had four rounds of debate on medical malpractice. And I really don't know anything about medical malpractice, so that made it slightly interesting! One debate round lasts like 1 and a half hours and they squished three of them in before dinner! So we were all majorly starved after round 3. Finally after coming home at like, midnight I had to get up at 6:30 in the morning and go over to the church to set up. Then speech rounds started and believe me, I was really tired!! One type of speech I had to do was impromptu where they gave me a topic and I had 2 min. To prepare a 5 min. Speech. On top of that there were 60 kids competing in impromptu alone!! So compition was really tough! However the awards cermony went really well, and i place 3rd in impromptu so that was encouraging ( i was shocked, really, i didn't think i would make the top ten!) anyway as soon as speech was over i went to a recital thing and accompanied a friend on the violin and then I got home at about midnight...again! Then the next day i travelled to southside for my first ever service there! (so now i can't use "i never been to a service at southside before" for the game "i never"... and that was a good one too!!) Anyway sending out the Blackwoods was a time of mixed emotions, sadness, hysterics, food, Mr. Blackwoods great speeches, crying (well, i really think there was more crying after ECHO...well...in a way...) pictures, good pics, ok pics, and then there are...Zachs pics, hugging, dragging siblings away from the church (literally), and a lot of other interesting events. We will all definitely miss the Blackwoods! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week!!


Nathan said...

Nice blog! I sees you are already linkin' to me, so no need to tell you to! I'll add you to my links ASAP.

David Pulliam said...

Tight that you got a blog.

p.s. Link to the edomite blog.

Nathan said...


Elizabeth said...

hey...sweet blog...it was good see you last night...even though i didn't see much of you. I was to busy crying and hugging charity!!!!

Ellie said...

You linked Beth twice.

And yeah, I enjoyed seeing you last night even though we didn't get to talk very much.

Mary said...

hey there, nice to see you've finally entered the world of blogging! Wowzers, you have been busy....good that you had time to come to southside and therefore wipe off that "I never" from your list ;).


Andrew said...

Hey guys, thanks so much for the comments, btw, if you have any suggestions for me, (besides that i linked beth twice, lol, i fixed that!) that would be cool.

Hannah said...

Wow, I thought I was tired after the weekend. I didn't know you all had to be there that early, we probably could have dome and helped... No, nm. Ruth wouldn't have let us. Lol. seeya

Zebbie said...

Hey nice blog Andrew!!

Tamara Rose said...

hey i'm at a library in LA right now. I have like 1 min so all i wanted to say was hi and that you have a sweet blog! Oh and we are leaving for oz in like 6 houres!!! AHH
love ya