January 25, 2006

Go Ye Therefore...

Yes!! Our family has finally decided to be a part of the new church we are a starting in West Lafayette. I am so excited to be able to participate in it! The group officially starts tonight with our first meeting/bible study. For the first couple months we will meet on Wednesday nights and Pastor Olivetti will be using the time to train us how to plant and begin a church. During the fall we will start doing community bible studies and other activities like that. Later, after we have constructed bible studies around the city we will merge them at some time and hopefully start worshipping together on Sundays, but we have no idea when that will be starting...For me personally I am really looking forward to the planting process; for a while I have been interested in missions, and this is a good way to find out more about it. If you guys could pray for us as we and the rest of the group (officially called "the core group") train for the ministry and for the success of the work we all would greatly appreciate it. As I write, the words of Matthew are still ringing in my head, "go ye therefore and preach to all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit". I may not be going to Australia...but we are going and forming a new work. I never really thought that even before I graduate from college I would be living out this verse! Well, time runs short so I better move on to other matters of importance...ttyl


Andrew said...

Hey guys, in case you didn't know, blogger is shutting down for like 15 min. today at 4:00 so all blogs hosted at blogspot will not be avaliable...just so ya know...

Zebbie said...

Hey good luck and congrats. with the starting of the Church.

Ellie said...

That sounds exciting, I be keeping you in my prayers! :)

erudil said...

As you might (or might not!) remember, I'm hoping to work with the Home Mission Board after finishing my schooling, doing church planting in a rather similar situation to that of your family. I can fully understand why you're really looking forward to it — I'm excited as I think about it myself!

erudil said...

By the way, I just added you to my links. I have photo links to those who agree to my posting them; may I put up a photo link to you? If you agree, I will see what picture I have of you would work best, and then I'll show it to you before posting it.

Andrew said...

Sure Nathaniel, you can put up a photo link, just as long as it's not too rediculous...